Blue Grotto Dive Resort


“I Wanna Be a Turtle…”

People often send us photos and videos of our favorite reptile, Virgil the Turtle. One that stood out was shared this past weekend by Robin of Earth Clean Scuba. What was noteworthy wasn’t the 49 seconds of Virgil displaying her usual antics. Instead, it was the music accompanying the video.

As you watch and listen, you’ll realize this may be the perfect anthem for our little hard-shelled buddy. We scoured the Internet, trying to find the name of the artist who recorded this song, but we couldn’t. If you know who it is, please tell us.

When Robin uploaded his video, YouTube insisted on turning it sideways, putting poor Virgil on her ear. We were able to get it straightened out, though. Here it is:

In any event, we now know why Virgil always seems so happy. In her shoes, we would be, too.