Blue Grotto Dive Resort


Important reminders for stores and instructors

Earlier this month, we saw something that was cause for concern. It was 7:30 am, and we were getting the Grotto ready to open at 8:00 am.

While on the deck overlooking the water, we saw a group of students descending the stairs, gear in hand. One student, in particular, was cradling an aluminum 80 in his arms, which is not how you are supposed to carry a tank.

Because of this, the student could not hold onto the handrail nor see the point at which the stairs changed pitch. In other words, he was an accident waiting to happen. What was concerning was that he wasn’t wearing a wristband which meant we did not have a waiver on file for him.

As it turned out, the students had been told by someone at their dive center that:

  • The students had to be here no later than 7:30 am.
  • They had to have their equipment set up on the deck.

Ironically, the instructor teaching them showed up promptly at 8:00 and already had a pavilion reserved. This meant the ill-informed students risked their necks carrying equipment to the wrong place.

Learn from this

This example illustrates our first three reminders. They are:

  • Blue Grotto does not open until 8:00 am. Do not tell students or divers to arrive any earlier than this.
  • Until you have checked your group in and we have waivers on them, students and divers are to limit themselves to the porch next to the store, the bathhouse or a pavilion if you have one reserved.
  • None of your group members are to descend the stairs until we have a waiver on file for them and they are wearing wristbands.

Allow extra time?

Telling your group to allow extra time when driving to the Grotto is a good idea. We know this from recent experience.

In mid-December, six of our staff signed up for a boat dive out of Pompano Beach. The charter operator required that we be there no later than 12:30 pm. As you know, dive boats wait for no one.

Unfortunately, we ran into a traffic accident in Orlando that added a full hour to our travel time. Nevertheless, we still made it to the boat on time because we’d left an hour earlier than we theoretically needed to.

On the Blue Grotto website, we encourage visitors to add at least 15 minutes to their travel time to allow for the unforeseen. But what if your students and divers do this and, consequently, arrive in Williston before 8:00 am?

Although the gate is sometimes open before 8:00 am, this is not something you can count on. Problems arise when divers arrive early and park in the road outside the gate. Among these problems:

  • It makes it harder for our staff to get to work on time.
  • Should a Levy Country deputy pass by, they could cite those blocking the road with obstructing traffic.
  • Stopped vehicles blocking half the road make it harder for our neighbors to get to and from their homes and jobs.

Tell your divers that if they pass through Willison before 8:00, they should stop at McDonald’s or one of the many convenience stores and get a cup of coffee or a bite to eat. Then, as it gets closer to 8:00, they can drive the rest of the way to the Grotto and know the gate will be open when they arrive.

Get in the water sooner

Many visiting instructors like to get their students and divers into the water as quickly as possible. There are steps you can take that will help you to do so. These include:

  • Have your divers visit the Blue Grotto website and watch the orientation video before leaving home.
  • While on the website, have your divers download the Blue Grotto waiver, then open and complete it in Adobe Acrobat. Once they have done so, have them save the completed waiver and email it to you.
  • Before leaving for the Grotto, print everyone’s waivers so you will have them ready to turn in when you arrive.

Have your students and divers meet you at the porch outside the store or at your pavilion if you have one reserved. Explain that they are not to check in individually, as you will do that for everyone in your group. Group members who attempt to check in by themselves create confusion and just slow things down unnecessarily.

Key points to remember

  • Have students and divers watch the video and complete the waiver before leaving for the Grotto.
  • Remind your people not to arrive at the Grotto before 8:00 am.
  • Tell your group members to meet at the store or your reserved pavilion. Until you issue them a wristband, they may not descend the stairs or go anywhere other than the store, the bathhouse or your reserved pavilion.

Do this, and you will save time and avoid confusion. And that is what everyone wants.