Blue Grotto Dive Resort


New features we prefer you not use

We recently added some new features to make the check-in process easier. And, ideally, you won’t need them. What do we mean by that?

It’s all on the outside

During your next visit to the Grotto, you will notice we’ve made several changes to the large porch on the side of the building. Among them:

  • At the far end of the porch we’ve mounted a brand-new, 43-inch TV that plays the orientation video on a continuous loop. A large shade cuts down on any glare that might otherwise make the video hard to see.
  • Between the two windows are six bins, each containing a different version of the Blue Grotto liability release.
  • The bins are clearly labeled. Below them are two shelves with pens and clipboards.
  • All along the porch, you’ll find tables and chairs so that you can sit while completing the waiver forms.

So why would we not want you to use these?

Simply stated, it’s because there is a much better alternative to waiting until you arrive to do these things. That is, go to the website and follow the instructions you will find there. This will include:

  • Watching the orientation video.
  • Downloading and completing the waiver.

This will save you a good 15 minutes when you arrive at the Grotto. Not only will this get you in the water sooner, but it will also reduce the number of people congregating at the shop for any length of time. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.