Blue Grotto Dive Resort

Magic of Light

Magic of Light • The Video

Have you seen all there is to see in Blue Grotto Cavern? Compare what you’ve experienced with what’s in this video. If you missed something, let us know. We will tell you where to look.

You may remember that earlier this month, we posted a series of images showing what our most notable landmarks looked like when dramatically lit. These were still frames captured from video footage shot by high school students in Scott Davenport’s Earth Immersion summer camp program.

The students returned last week to capture additional footage, which we’ve put together in the 90-second video below. Remember, none of these students had used an underwater camera before this.

Pay particular attention to the student in the last clip. She passes within inches of the bottom but never touches it. She doesn’t even stir up a puff of silt. This is what happens when instructors understand buoyancy and make its mastery a priority. These kinds of divers are always welcome at Blue Grotto.