Nitrox Diver

By breathing a gas mixture containing less nitrogen than air does, you can enjoy longer bottom times, shorter surface intervals and greater safety margins. This course mainly involves self-study through eLearning, plus a short hands-on experience analyzing cylinders for oxygen content. $125 includes all instruction, eLearning and certification processing.
You must:
The price includes:
- This course typically takes just a few hours. We can usually schedule it for when it is most convenient for you.
- We generally need at least one week’s advanced notice so that we can not only line up an instructor but also so that you will have sufficient time to complete the required eLearning before the start of class.
You must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be certified to the Open Water Diver level
The price includes:
The course fee includes:
- All instruction
- eLearning
- C-card processing (if earned)
Additionally, you are responsible for:
- Transportation
- Accommodations
- Meals
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