As much as possible, we like to spend time on our new floating dock, watching instructors, students and divers enter and exit the water. Doing so helps us identify ways we can further improve things.
Divers aren’t the only ones we see on the dock, though. Often it will be non-divers hoping to catch a glimpse of Virgil the Turtle or even feed her.
At our dive shop, we sell packets of specially formulated turtle food. This is not only safe for the turtle to eat but it can also be safely ingested by the many fish who inhabit the Grotto. And therein lies the problem.
Recently, we had a small group of non-divers come to the dock with a packet of turtle food in hand. They waited patiently for Miss Virgil to show up. They did not have to wait long.
Sensing an impending handout, Virgil swam right up to the edge of the dock and waited expectantly. Our visitors dropped a few food pellet in front of her. Unfortunately, Virgil was surrounded by a large school of greedy bluegills who hoped to cash in on this opportunity.
Fish are faster than turtles. And, sure enough, no sooner had the group dropped their food offering in the water than the speedy fish swooped in and snatched it before Virgil could get her share.
Undaunted, our would-be turtle whisperers devised a plan to fool the fish. They started by tossing a handful of food several feet out into the water. Instantly, the bluegills darted after it at something approaching Warp 9.
Virgil is no dummy. She knew to stay put while the fish were distracted. Our visitors then dropped some food pellets right in front of her, which Virgil scarfed down happily. By repeating this process, both Virgil and the fish got their fair share of the bounty.
So, if you are hoping to feed Miss Virgil, this is the best strategy to follow. And you will make for one very happy turtle.