Are you coming with students?

If you are coming to the Grotto with students, there are two steps you must follow:
Step 1: Watch the video
We will assume you are already familiar with the information contained in our diver-oriented Welcome to Blue Grotto video. If not, watch it now.
The video on this page is one aimed specifically at instructors. It covers what every instructor should know and do before showing up with students.
What next?
Step 2: Get us your paperwork
You will need to get us two things:
- A copy of your current professional liability insurance in which you have named Blue Grotto as an additional insured. Without this, you will not be able to teach or guide divers at Blue Grotto. No exceptions.
- A completed and signed copy of the Blue Grotto instructor waiver. You can download this using the button at the bottom of the page. At the top, put today’s date and the date your professional liability insurance expires. Even if you already have a waiver on file with us, you will need to submit a new one along with your insurance certificate.
It’s best if you can get us these items ahead of time. You can email them to the address below. Include both items in the same email.
Once we have both documents, we will create an ID card for you. Show this on future visits to the Grotto and you won’t have to repeat this process until your insurance expires.

Step 3: Reach out to students
Before they leave for the Grotto, have students visit and follow all of the instructions for visiting students. This will include:
- Watching the safety and orientation video.
- Completing and signing the Blue Grotto waiver.
Make sure you are familiar with this information yourself.
Restricted Teaching Activities
(Don’t panic; we said restricted, not prohibited.) Busy weekends and certain times of year are times you do not want to be teaching certain courses. Reach out to us ahead of time if you need to teach:
- Freediving.
- DPV.
We will help you schedule a time when you are least likely to interfere with other instructors. Do not, however, show up expecting to teach one of these courses unless you have contacted us first.
Also be aware that if you want to teach a DPV course or a course that involves the use of DPVs, you will need to do so after normal business hours. Contact us for more information.
Just call or email us. We want to make your visit as easy and as stress-free as possible.
Make sure you’re on our mailing list
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