
Why we can’t have nice things
Practicing good buoyancy control and trim is among the best ways to show consideration for your fellow divers.”

Don’t buy the wrong SMB
SMBs are essential when diving from boats or in areas with boat traffic. But buying the wrong SMB could be as bad as not having one at all.

Lose the lanyand
Just because your dive light came with a wrist lanyard doesn’t mean you should use it. There is a better alternative.

Make logging dives effortless
Logging your dives is important. But is it too much of a hassle? It doesn’t have to be. We’ll tell you why.

A peek back in time
Blue Grotto wasn’t always like it is now. In 2013, it underwent a radical transformation. And we have pictures.

Oh, the things we see…
We often spend time watching divers enter and exit. Sometimes, we see things that make us grit our teeth and bite our tongues.

Don’t let them dangle
Dangling octopuses and consoles can cause at least four problems. Here is what they are and how to fix them.

It wasn’t always this way
When you visit Blue Grotto, everything you see, besides the Grotto itself and Guest House, didn’t exist before 2013. Here is what changed.

5 Buoyancy control myths busted
Buoyancy control is a skill that stymies many divers. Among them are the five myths we will bust in this article.

Are you covered?
Recompression treatment can cost thousands of dollars. But, if you have DAN dive accident insurance, you won’t have to worry.

RVs Welcome
Blue Grotto’s RV slots can accommodate motorhomes and travel trailers of almost any size. But there are some things you must know ahead of time.

Silver Fins
Being in your 70s and 80s is no barrier to diving. A recent visit by a dive club from The Villages helps prove this.