Blue Grotto Dive Resort

Scuba Unit Assembly

Scuba Unit Assembly

Among the most significant drawbacks of not having your own scuba gear is that it forces you to use rental equipment. And when you do, you may have to use a BC or regulator whose configuration is unfamiliar. This can be confusing.

Here is a five-minute video, shot on location at Blue Grotto, that reviews the basics of scuba unit assembly. What it covers applies to nearly any rental regulator or BC you encounter.

Among the things that make this video especially valuable is that it addresses working with regulator first stages with low-pressure ports on a swiveling turret. Many high-end regulators, including Blue Grotto’s rental regs, are configured this way. If you are not used to this, it can be somewhat baffling.

Be aware also that what you see may differ from what you originally learned. However, it reflects the latest thinking on several items.

For example, if you were taught to turn a tank valve back a partial turn after opening it, this is no longer what DAN and the major training agencies recommend. There have been several close calls and even a few fatalities because divers accidentally closed their valves and then opened them a partial turn. These divers could still get air in shallow water but were starved for gas at depth.

Enjoy the video. We hope it makes your next visit to Blue Grotto that much more fun.