Blue Grotto Dive Resort

DAN Aftermatch doc

Better now than later

No instructor begins a day of training planning for students to have a serious injury…or worse. While all instructors are trained to perform rescues and provide first aid, CPR and O2, this is just the beginning.

There are several things you must do immediately following an incident to minimize your potential liability. Unfortunately, many instructors don’t know what these are. As a result, it can make a bad situation worse.

The good news is that DAN has prepared a comprehensive document outlining the steps you should take as soon as the injured student heads for the hospital or is being attended to by EMS. You don’t want to find out later that there are things you should have done but didn’t because you weren’t aware of them.

This Incident Aftermath Information is available on the DAN website, but you can download it now using the link below. Read it, memorize the key points and be ready to implement it should the unthinkable happen. It can help bring peace of mind to an otherwise bad situation.