Blue Grotto Dive Resort

Slow down

Just slow the heck down

As you’ve no doubt noticed, Blue Grotto is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The only way into or out of the Grotto is along narrow dirt roads. These roads are lined with peoples’ homes. There are no curbs or sidewalks. The maximum posted speed limit is 25 mph.

We mention this for several reasons:

  • The people who live in this area put up with several thousand divers going to and from the Grotto every year. None of this traffic benefits them in any way.
  • If you go tearing down these roads like a bat out of Hell, you create unwanted noise and, in dry months, stir up a considerable amount of dust. You also put people, pets and kids at risk.
  • Because of the lack of sidewalks, folks who are out for a run, a bike ride or walking their dogs are forced to use the same roads as you do. To them, a car going past at 25 mph seems as though it is doing something closer to 60.
  • On sunny days, the harsh shadows cast by trees can make pedestrians harder to see.

All things considered, our neighbors are pretty understanding. In fact, the only complaints we get is when our visitors feel compelled to drive like they are on I-75. So keep the following in mind:

  • The speed limit on our dirt roads is 25. That is the fastest you should be moving under any circumstances. Slow down for people, animals and passing vehicles. Our neighbors will appreciate your consideration.
  • Keep an eye out for people, pets and kids. They can be surprisingly hard to see.
  • The roads are narrow but, unless you are driving a dually or an RV, you can pass opposing traffic without stopping. Just stay as far to the right as you can.
  • If you teach, make sure your students know this as well.

Local laws and zoning requirements are always subject to change. We may one day need our neighbors’ goodwill. Help us keep it.